About Us

About Us

Tammy Jensen
Tammy is a natural leader and networker and it is through her talents and vision that WIRA was born. She is one of the 3 creative minds behind the WIRA music and has empowered many children and adults to live their dreams and engage their talents to add to the work.  

Tammy lives with her amazing husband, Pete and 3 fabulous girls in Missouri.
Aubri Johns
Aubri Johns often heard as a young girl that: The most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your own home. As a wife, and mother to seven amazing children, she has come to understand how important and impactful her role in the family is. One of her greatest desires is to help everyone understand the influence for good they can have in their own home, parent or child, and empower them with knowledge and tools to help them become successful; and that is why she is a part of the WIRA (Who I Really Am) team. 
Aubri spends her day overseeing and attending to her children’s education. She has been homeschooling since 2007, and those that know her, are quick to see that teaching is one of her passions. She miraculously finds time to lead a women’s book group every month, serve in her church, exercise, and support her amazing husband, Brandon, in his various responsibilities. It has been one of her biggest challenges and also greatest joy to take part in helping with the development of the WIRA curriculum. Aubri looks forward to those hours when she can sit at her computer and share the ideas that come to her as she teaches and seeks to implement the principles of WIRA.
Angie Craven
Always loving to read, Angie was thrilled when her family moved to a larger town and found a local library that ignited a passion for reading and learning. 

Her love of reading provided an outlet when she began homeschooling her children in 2007. This expanded opportunity to study, learn and share with her family has provided numerous opportunities for her to serve not only her family but her community as well. 

Participating in a small way to bring WIRA forward has brought great happiness, and joy into she and her families lives.
Holly Aaron
Holly Aaron is a mother of 4 grown children and a grandmother of 2.  She has spent her career in educating and motivating others.  She believes strongly in the power of individuals and families to make a difference in the daily lives of others.  She currently spends most of her days managing school partnerships and consulting in reading processes with a little WIRA on the side.  She has spent time assisting with the building of this website.  She currently resides in Missouri and hopes to bring WIRA to schools everywhere! 

Holly's passions are traveling, learning about people and places,  and experiencing the differences in people that make us all unique.  Holly believes that learning Who each one of us are is the journey that will bring each of us to a place of peace, happiness and joy!  Welcome to the Journey! 
Beth Southwick

Beth Southwick is thrilled to be part of Who I Really Am (WIRA). As an educator, she sees the great impact this curriculum will have on the hearts of learners, young and old, everywhere. “WIRA is truly transformational!” She and her husband, Jared, live in Utah with their three, wonderful children. When she is not teaching, or editing for WIRA and her husband, you can see her reading in a hammock, camping in the mountains, digging in her garden, or dreaming of burying her feet in hot sand next to the ocean.
Jonathan Aaron
Jonathan Aaron is a passionate software developer who has helped make this website. He and his wife Kalee live in Utah with 3 amazing children. 
Tara Reilley
Tara Reilley is a mother of five spirited boys and one sweet and hopefully-not-spoiled little girl. She and her husband live in the beautiful state of Idaho (and no, that isn't Ohio! haha) Just as little boys have the amazing ability to turn anything into a gun, Tara was born turning everything into a microphone. This led her to sing and dance professionally in my early adulthood and then into corporate training, event planning and public speaking. Tara believes that healthy and happy families can bring the greatest joy and fulfillment in life, so she's passionate about doing all she can to assist in strengthening families and helping each member gain the skills and vision to obtain their highest potential.
Her belief is that every person has a unique purpose in life. Nothing thrills her like helping others come to know who they really are, inspiring them to engage in their personal mission and becoming their best self. Tara is a life-long learner and teacher by nature and is dedicated to promoting freedom in its many forms. In her spare time she can be found reading, learning about herbs, exercising, singing, volunteering, and spending time with friends and family.
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